SemiAccurate needs unicorn wranglers

Writing skills a plus

SemiAccurate logoWe at SemiAccurate are looking for a writer or three that likes the tech we tend to cover and a few other areas. If you like the tech we cover and a few other areas, but also want to write, that is OK too. Unlike how some companies do things, we would rather have someone who understands the things they are going to be writing about in great detail than someone who says nothing worth reading across four pages with perfect grammar.

The areas we are interested in are obviously chips, computers, and everything involved with them, from manufacture to end users and more. One person doesn’t have to know it all, if that mythical creature exists, he/she/it will probably have a much more lucrative job already. And ride their unicorn to it while belching up bits of breakfast more melodically than anything with a ‘Top 40’ ranking in the last two decades. If you know some of the industry in detail and have a general understanding of the rest, that is fine.

What we are also interested in is another specialty too, or at least an ability to put things in perspective with regards to that field. You don’t need a unicorn, but an understanding of finance, silicon manufacturing, security, legal matters, channel/marketing, gaming, or phones. If you are an expert in four or more of those fields, and do not have the aforementioned unicorn, don’t bother, we won’t believe you if you write in.

The job requirements are that you can dig up interesting things that are not just rehashes of the same tidbit that 19 other sites claim as an exclusive, but was put out as a press release the evening before. Put that in to words, along with some context, analysis, and a bit of snark, then pass it along. Probably the most important bit is to be able to smile while your words are stepped on by various people, from the editor to the fanbois, paid corporate shills, and assorted lunatics, 97.3% of which didn’t even read the article in the first place. The other 2.7% simply doesn’t understand anything you are talking about, but are not afraid to prove it in print again and again and again. Remember, smile.

Where you are located doesn’t matter, for the most part, the Internet flattens time and space where journalism is concerned. Living in a place that has a lot of technical events is a plus though, Silicon Valley, Taipei, or Shenzhen are on the short list. What matters more is the ability to deliver a regular number of stories per week on the topic at hand, or something close to it.

In return, you get not very much. Yeah, we don’t pay well, journalists don’t tend to have the big house on the hill with far too many servants. If you are expecting nothing in return, you won’t be disappointed by much. We do pay, but don’t expect anything close to a full time job. We do not deduct the abject adulation of people you would probably not want to get within 15 feet of in person from your pay, nor do we charge to keep the lights around your name lit. Other perks may or may not apply, but don’t get your hopes up.

In the end, we are looking for people who know what they are talking about, and can put that in clean enough words that a long suffering editor can clean up. If you can do it on a regular basis, and have some ability to find dig up cool stories on your own, explain it to those without your expertise, and not command your unicorn to impale the trolls, write to editor at semiaccurate dot com. If have any examples to show off, feel free to send links, copies, or whatever you feel is appropriate. Satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back.S|A

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