Intel shows off advanced silicon at Vision

Vision 2022: We finally get to see the silicon in person

Intel LogoIntel was showing off their best silicon at Vision 2022 and they were quite impressive. SemiAccurate has chronicled most of these parts over the last few years and now is the time to show them off.

There isn’t much new information here, just pretty pictures, but they are really pretty, Intel had their latest and greatest on show at Vision 2022 last week, and now SemiAccurate brings them to you. We will keep the commentary to a minimum and let you enjoy the view.

Intel Sapphire Rapids CPU

Intel’s Sapphire Rapids CPU

Intel Sapphire Rapids HBM CPU

Intel’s Sapphire Rapids CPU with HBM

As you can see above, Sapphire Rapids with and without HBM memory comes in two very different packages. Will this require a different platform for the HBM variants? Even if it does, given the target market for the HBM SKUs, it is unlikely to cause many issues, if you need HBM you probably understand your requirements at a very granular level. That said the HBM platforms are unlikely to cost less than the non-HBM ones.

Intel Ponte Vecchio GPU

Ponte Vecchio GPU laid bare

There have been a lot of teasers about Intel’s Ponte Vecchio GPU over the past few years but looking at it in person you understand how amazingly complex this device is. Dies from multiple processes and foundries, bridges, HBM, and lots more. There are 40+ pieces of silicon in this ‘part’ and when you see one in person, you get it.

Like every Intel product of this era, it is significantly later than planned which will minimize it’s market impact, but it is still going to be competitive. Does that make the complexity and delays ‘worth it’? Time will tell but it is here now and it works, well maybe not this press sample but Intel does have working ones and they are being installed in Aurora as we speak. If you get a chance to see one in person, you will understand why SemiAccurate has been saying this is possibly the most complex device ever made by humans.

Intel Meteor Lake large CPU package

Meteor Lake large package

Intel Metero Lake Small CPU package

Meteor Lake Small package

Last up we have two Meteor Lake packages, the normal laptop and the ultra-thin/small variants. The silicon is likely the same between the two, just the packaging, fusing, and TDP are going to differ. If you zoom way in to our really bad pictures, you can see the cut lines between the three die but you have to look for them. Although these are EMIB connected dies, you can see where Intel is heading with tiles. Ponte Vecchio shows the complexity, Meteor Lake shows how tight you can package things, now when you combine the two…S|A

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Charlie Demerjian

Roving engine of chaos and snide remarks at SemiAccurate
Charlie Demerjian is the founder of Stone Arch Networking Services and is a technology news site; addressing hardware design, software selection, customization, securing and maintenance, with over one million views per month. He is a technologist and analyst specializing in semiconductors, system and network architecture. As head writer of, he regularly advises writers, analysts, and industry executives on technical matters and long lead industry trends. Charlie is also available through Guidepoint and Mosaic. FullyAccurate