Hardware Roundup
HD 5870 main event
MANY OF YOU are waiting for our analysis of the ATI Radeon HD 5870, but between IDF and travel we don’t have that done quite yet. In the meantime, we do have this week’s hardware roundup.
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MANY OF YOU are waiting for our analysis of the ATI Radeon HD 5870, but between IDF and travel we don’t have that done quite yet. In the meantime, we do have this week’s hardware roundup.
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WE HAVE A TREAT for you today. Everyone likes a bit of softcore geek porn with smart looking babes talking in foreign accents and reading a second meaning into every other word they say. It seems Asus might have accidentally struck gold when hiring these chaps to introduce its O!Play HD Media Player.
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THINGS ARE pretty tame right now as ATI and Nvidia gear up for Windows 7 and DirectX 11 SKU launches – or re-launches, in certain cases (*cough*).
GPUs still dominate the reviews as the market is currently flooded with custom, i.e., non-reference, graphics cards with unusual cooling solutions.
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THIS WEEK’S hardware roundup has suffered a bit of a delay, so we’ll try and make up for lost time by putting some extra ‘oomph’ into it.
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FROM THE GUYS who brought us the iPhone nudie pics and who made the unremovable MacBook battery removable, now comes the PS3 Slim tear-down.
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FAR IN THE EAST, HKEPC got something we’ve all been waiting for: a full review of Clarkdale and a head-to-head against Nvidia’s 9400m IGP. Pay attention to page 6, lots of interesting figures there including power consumption and 3Dmark and gaming scores. The GPU core – as powerful as it might be – doesn’t come close to Nvidia’s… But Charlie will definitely have something interesting to add to this further on…
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SemiAccurate hereby breaks in something that we intend to be your first choice in online hardware review coverage. At SemiAccurate you’ll find a one-stop selection of red-hot hardware reviews, starting right now. We’ll be gathering together here the best of what we’ve found online around the web and giving it to you straight up.
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SCIENTISTS MAY HAVE solved disconnecting and low data rate problems with L2, the DSL low power mode. By using artificial noise during initial connections, they have stabilized the modem to prevent crashing and restarts at lower data speeds.
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THE CASE OF JAMIE THOMAS-RASSET came to a close today as the jury returned a verdict that she had willingly and knowingly downloaded 24 different songs from KaZaA, violating the copyright of the companies represented by the RIAA.
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THE MORNING WAS SLOW at RIAA vs Thomas, and both jurors and spectators were assaulted multiple times by Richard Marx ballads before the plaintiffs finally rested. Three days and innumerable legal opinions later, the RIAA’s final arguments were made by a succession of copyright lawyers listening to Sarah MacGlachlan and sagely nodding their heads at dusty pieces of paper from the US copyright office.
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IT’S A RARE TREAT for a member of the public to be able to walk into a regular, everyday federal courtroom and watch veteran attorneys make mistakes that would have Johnnie Cochran rolling over in his grave.
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IN THE CAPITOL RECORDS vs Thomas-Rasset media sharing trial, one thing became clear, the RIAA lawyers are down at least 100 IQ points on the defense. It shows too.
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