ARM Goes for IoT with the Cortex-M33 and Cortex-M23 Cores
Going after IoT with ARMv8-M and TrustZone…
Today ARM is introducing two new CPU cores dubbed the Cortex-M33 and the Cortex-M23.
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Today ARM is introducing two new CPU cores dubbed the Cortex-M33 and the Cortex-M23.
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STMicro was the lead parter on ARM’s new M7 core and were first to launch with their STM32 F7 MCU.
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End of year lulls allow you to do things you haven’t had time for before like stories about Samsung 14nm FinFET SoCs.
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ARM is launching the successor to the CCN-504 bus, say hi to the new 32-core supporting CCN-508 bus.
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That 16-core A15 Axxia communications chip LSI keeps talking about is finally here and SemiAccurate got their hands on one.
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Cavium was showing off their 64-bit Thunder chip at Techcon but unfortunately it was only a simulator, not silicon.
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