ARM ‘cancels’ Qualcomm’s IP license
Opinion: Silly media games take the low road
Headlines are screaming about ARM ‘canceling’ Qualcomm’s IP license, but what is really happening?
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Headlines are screaming about ARM ‘canceling’ Qualcomm’s IP license, but what is really happening?
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When Nvidia announced their current patent licensing program, SemiAccurate called it a “trolling scheme”.
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So what is the latest on the Nvidia patent trolling scheme known as “Kepler Licensing”, especially the licensee count?
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SemiAccurate wrote an analysis of the Nvidia and “Kepler licensing” fees on Tuesday that focused on why they may have chosen those prices.
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Remember when SemiAccurate called Nvidia’s Kepler “license” plan a sham, nothing more than a patent trolling exercise?
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With the release of Compiler 6 today, ARM moves from a proprietary architecture to one based on open sourced Clang/LLVM.
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