Intel ‘launches’ 46 Skylake SKUs
IDF 2015: Nothing to brag about, really
Today Intel is releasing a lot of ‘new’ Skylake processors to no great fanfare.
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Today Intel is releasing a lot of ‘new’ Skylake processors to no great fanfare.
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Intel has done something that I never thought they would do, they fixed the root of their graphics problems.
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Editor’s note: This is second part of the story, “Intel slams the door on discrete GPUs”. This second half looks examines how Intel will navigate the maze of technical and real world issues, restrictions, and options for what Intel is doing. It also goes in to how those who will presumably object to the changes are hamstrung by their own actions. -Ed.
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Remember the days when you could buy a GPU as a discrete component because it wasn’t part of your CPU?
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Remember Crystalwell, Intel’s RAM on package for Haswell?
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Intel thinks Haswell is going to change Ultrabooks, but there is one big problem, price.
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Intel – logoWe know about Haswell’s massive shader count, and we know why it has them, but what is Crystalwell exactly?
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Semiaccurate has learned that Intel intends to do away with DIMMs, DRAM, and any other sort of user addable memory.
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Things are becoming clearer about the GPUs in Haswell, especially in the lower end parts.
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Remember when we said that Haswell’s shader count was only the beginning of the performance story? The real reason behind the performance isn’t shader count, it is memory. When we wrote that Haswell was a graphics monster a few months …
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